Little D, eater of yellow foods
mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, peaches, a stray piece of pineapple here and there...
there are some white foods in there - milk, mashed potatoes, apples
I had to take a break from posting to go feed her - she wanted to pretend I was mamma bird and she was Stellaluna. Each bite was id'd as a different type of bug.
She woke from her nap this afternoon crying loudly. We planned to take pictures for the christmas card photo tonight and she wasn't cooperative. She is sensitive and cries easily this evening. She had wet the bed as she woke up, or maybe just afterwards. We're down to only 2-3 wetting incidents a week now - it has eased up considerably and almost never happens at school any more. I am trying to give her the attention she needs so that she doesn't feel her sister has taken something from her, without sacrificing the love and attention I give to baby E.
The new Moby wrap rocks. for Louisa's wahm store. I have worn it almost nonstop for 3 days and don't feel a thing in my back.
Wish I could say the same about this rotten headcold I have. I hate the heavy postnasal drip thing.
D just came downstairs - "Mommy, guess what I've got. The most beautiful book I have ever seen. Can we read it?" "yes," I reply. "Please, " she continues. Honestly. All the words, I didn't finish any phrases for her. What a stitch. It's a board book from her first birthday and nothing she usually asks for.
I asked her never to touch the ceramic heater daddy used earlier today b/c of fire. She said"I know fire safety! Stop, drop and Roll!"
then, later "when we go to campus and there's a fire, I will tell everyone about fire safety."
I said "I hope we don't have a fire."
"one time we had a fire."
"when was that?"
"when we had marshmellows."
This is true...
there are some white foods in there - milk, mashed potatoes, apples
I had to take a break from posting to go feed her - she wanted to pretend I was mamma bird and she was Stellaluna. Each bite was id'd as a different type of bug.
She woke from her nap this afternoon crying loudly. We planned to take pictures for the christmas card photo tonight and she wasn't cooperative. She is sensitive and cries easily this evening. She had wet the bed as she woke up, or maybe just afterwards. We're down to only 2-3 wetting incidents a week now - it has eased up considerably and almost never happens at school any more. I am trying to give her the attention she needs so that she doesn't feel her sister has taken something from her, without sacrificing the love and attention I give to baby E.
The new Moby wrap rocks. for Louisa's wahm store. I have worn it almost nonstop for 3 days and don't feel a thing in my back.
Wish I could say the same about this rotten headcold I have. I hate the heavy postnasal drip thing.
D just came downstairs - "Mommy, guess what I've got. The most beautiful book I have ever seen. Can we read it?" "yes," I reply. "Please, " she continues. Honestly. All the words, I didn't finish any phrases for her. What a stitch. It's a board book from her first birthday and nothing she usually asks for.
I asked her never to touch the ceramic heater daddy used earlier today b/c of fire. She said"I know fire safety! Stop, drop and Roll!"
then, later "when we go to campus and there's a fire, I will tell everyone about fire safety."
I said "I hope we don't have a fire."
"one time we had a fire."
"when was that?"
"when we had marshmellows."
This is true...
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