Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holidays and family

Funny thing a friend of mine observed recently - ever noticed that finding out that an annoying relative bugs others, too somehow reduces their power to annoy you? Something about not being alone in your annoyance makes the person more tolerable... or maybe you can more easily just ignore the person b/c you know others are, too?

I have noticed the same thing.

Overall, we are blessed to have a wonderful family - and we have just a couple members who are a bit much to take for longer than a short visit - if we didn't feel that way about a couple people, it would probably be a sign something is wrong, right?

I really knocked myself out making food for the holiday parties and it was received with less than full enthusiasm. I have decided that I am not going to go to that much work again. I wanted to do it and I enjoyed it, but there's no reason to overdo it.

Favorite gift: my new iPod (with engraved message from my family - I cried).
Least favorite: I really didn't have one this year - it was all very nice.

Other fun things we rec'd: Runny Babbit; Lizzy's new glow worm and horse lovey; D's blinged out Calvin Klein denim outfit...

Fun recurring joke of weekend: D's new "I like to move it, move it!" dance moves after watching Madagascar too many times.

Thing I can't wait to have time to play with: my new 3/4 dress form.

Favorite yummy treat of weekend: Debbie's new recipe for choc choc chip gingerbread (from the Omaha Weird Harold)

Hit gifts given by Dennis family to others: Gram's tea maker; Sherril's cake decorating kit; my dad's scrappy coffee cup with the girls on it.

Things to remember next year: We need more time at home alone as our small family. *Make* daddy take pics of Santa's plate, don't believe him when he says he'll do it later - this is not the first year the dog ate the cookies...


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