Sunday, February 15, 2009

Status check on 10 things I am working on right now -

1. 50 book challenge - I am 10 books into it. 40 to go.
2. Weight - down about 8 lbs (doing the Paul MacKenna hypnosis thingy)
3. Household management - all laundry is staying caught up, closets are organized and menus are fully planned two weeks out. All shopping done weekly by my super duper hero husband.
4. Wardrobe - 6 new pair shoes, 2 new pants, small cross-body bag for essentials
5. Spiritual - we are working on a new bible study with the couples at church and I am only 1 wk behind on my "Bible in a Year"
6. Work - I am in a really good place now, feeling like I have a good line on everything I have outstanding and like progress is being made on all fronts. Had a great review.
7. Girls - we're eating as a family every night (that's not new) and still doing our great bedtime cuddle/snuggle routine. We are doing okay (maybe 80%) on the no-TV during the week thing. Darien and I are doing her girl scout activities together. We will do riding lessons together this summer. Lizzy and I don't have a joint activity yet, but I am hoping we'll find one by spring time- she has been a shopping buddy for me pretty frequently. She has her own sense of fashion - I find her re-styling herself a couple of times a day.
8. Marriage - Daniel and I are more connected than we've ever been and I think our growing church involvements are really helping. He's been great about getting stuff done around the house - it's been a good feeling starting to see how things will really be around here. Example: he made the girls a great play area in the basement - complete with salvaged carpets and vinyl floor remnants (for their play kitchen, of course) and he helped me relocated 90% of the toys in the house to that play area so now the rest of the house stays much more tidy.
9. Meaningful friendships - Jan and I are in pretty close regular contact. Sonya has been a great find in a friend. The last two years, I can easily see the positive impact her friendship has had on me.
10. Learning/Personal Growth - personal challenge to myself this year to get a designation done - not doing so well on that so far, been carrying the first class books around for 2 wks.