Wednesday, February 01, 2006

catching up

1. Semi-important - what to do when you are in a meeting and an insensitive remark is made.... Still wondering what to do about a junior staff member's characterization of a special needs population. The remark was an odd one and I am not sure which of us might be misunderstanding the meaning...

2. Reading moving forward. Finished a couple non-fic (diet and cooking) books. Still on track.

3. Roland Fryer spoke on campus last night and there is NO story in the Daily or online. Do people not realize who he is?

4. I look fab today. just thought I would throw that in.

No time to go further.


Blogger Beth said...

1. Talk to the person. He/She may not even realize they made a blunder. Be the gracious mentor that I know you are.

2. I am reading Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall. Feeling inspired to make incremental changes but not wanting to feel pressured to make radical changes overnight. I already mostly eliminated HFCS from the house last year.

3. I confess I did not know who he was. I looked him up. Very interesting ideas. I will look for more from him. Oh, and he's HOT!

4. Picture???


9:53 PM  

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