Thursday, August 06, 2009

How did it get to be August?

Okay - it's obvious I am so not a blogger.

checking in on my previous post about my progress - interesting to see that my general focus is the same.

I have finished 28 books so far this year. 22 to go.

Our garden has been amazing - I don't know when I have eaten so many zucchini and loved them so much!

Waiting for puppy girl to join us in September.

Lizzy starts at the lab school in a couple of weeks and Darien is in First Grade! yikes.

D started piano, still doesn't want to go back to dance class. She played tee ball and went to VBS this summer - and after tee ball was over did a week at the Art Center in a drawing and painting class.

Daniel is doing piano with Darien - which is great.

Lizzy starts dance class (first time!) next month.

My challenge to myself has been to create two completely new meals per week, rather than cooking the same things over and over - doing okay on that. Not perfect, not totally failing.

this weekend is our 4 day trip to the lake with my parents.

We survived the 4 days in Omaha with his family 2 wks ago - the zoo was great, the campgrounds were really nice and the kids loved the fireside time.

most common evening for us - dinner, followed by time in the pool and on trampoline - then reading and bed. Reading the first Harry Potter this month. Girls are old enough now - the next book will wait until next year. I think we'll do Little House on the Prairie after HP. Little House in the Big Woods was a hit this spring.

I am not putting up corn this year. still have some from last year. I had hoped to can tomato sauce, salsa and tomatoes, but it looks like we may not have enough of a crop to worrry about - we have hundreds (really!) of green tomatoes and anything that gets a bit red is immediately infested with some strange bug. Dan took a sample to work, but no word from the plant path fellas.

The peas were a flop. Green beans did well for a long while. Lettuces were delish and the onions and carrots are lovely. Acorn squash coming on now - the pumpkins and melons are progressing, but not there yet.

next year, we'll expand the garden and put the vining plants on the creekside edge and just let them go. I also will plant my lettuces in a phases.

peppers also failed - not enough heat, I think.

the raised beds were the bomb. Everyone thought we were growing all potatoes! ha!

Can't wait for spring and the sheep.