Sunday, January 22, 2006


So, it's late late late Sunday night (really early early early Monday) and I am not going to sleep. I really enjoy this time when my family is all asleep and I can roam around the house, putting things in order and getting ready for the week. There is an endless amount of cleaning and preparation, so I am never finished.

Dan got on my case about making the girls wait while I finish whatever chore I am doing. I don't know why I can't just drop whatever it is - I often don't just finish what I am doing, but pick up and do 2 or 3 other small things on my way to them. need to nip that in the bud before the girls start to get the idea they come last. I don't think of it that way, but I act like it.

We are starting to show the house again soon - so much to do to be ready and I feel like I have to do it all myself, b/c it's the "inside the house" stuff. Dan will help if I am very specific about what needs to be done and why. The why is important to him. Simply b/c it "needs to be done" isn't a reason to do it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

50 books this year

Decided that I am going to do the 50 book challenge this year.

My count is 3 as of today: AMLP, Gilead, You: the Owner's Manual...

Knitting is going fine. Started a new "practice project" for home - another scarf, but will try pattern sections on it.

Laundry almost totally caught up (major feat). I started around 8:30 this morning and haven't had much of a rest since - several loads of laundry, dishes, cleaned kitchen, ran vac on 1st floor, picked up D's room, made her bed (which was in a snarl) and cleaned up our room -

I had been avoiding folding/putting away any laundry for a couple of weeks - finally went thru baby E's drawers, removing all tiny clothes and replacing with the next size. D's drawers were also a wreck, so started over with those, as well.

Book group met this week to discuss Gilead. I enjoyed the book so much more once I switched to the CD's. The reader had the perfect voice for my taste.

I am still thinking about what my future home-based business is going to be. I really like the idea of a cookie business - cookies, petit fours, maybe a few other small baked goods - I am thinking through the recipes I would start with and how I would promote it.

Baby E has been sleeping for a few mins - feels to me like she didn't really take very long naps today. when she is sleeping well, of course then Little D needs me. I would like a break. A long break.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

2006 resolutions

Okay, here goes -

1. I am letting go of the 30 lb weight loss goal - it is 10 lbs this year. 10 lbs only. 10 lbs in the first quarter of the year and then I am keeping it OFF the rest of the year. I am not going to regain it - full stop.
2. I am fixing my health by implementing some changes from You: the owner's manual.
Fiber intake up
Water intake up
Activity level increased greatly
Vitamins and other meds taken daily (considering adding that baby aspirin, too)
3. I am getting all the unread periodicals OUT of the house.

That's it. 3 things.